Welcome to the Best Business Practice Assessment Test for VARs, MSPs and ITSPs!
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This is a FREE online assessment tool to benchmark best business practices, exclusively designed for VARs, MSPs and ITSPs. The companies are evaluated in 12 key areas of business with about 200 questions to measure their best practices. Just answer as many questions as you can!
The system uses a powerful Business Intelligence AI algorithm that has been fine-tuned with data inputs from thousands of assessments done by VARs, MSPs and ITSP. As such, the systems can benchmark and score the best business practices of the applicant to a very high degree. The questions were developed with the input of over 30 professional business coaches who understands the IT Industry. The system continually learns which data points best match to successful IT companies as we track progress and results based on every data point. As the system continues to learn and grow, we will be benchmarking companies by country, by size and by type.
Being a Best Managed Business has nothing to do with sales volume! It is based solely on the best practices that are used to run the business. Every applicant will receive a score in each of the 12 areas as an indication of their business practices’ strengths and weaknesses.
If you are a VAR, MSP or ITSP, then you want be a well-managed business because it will maximise your profits, save time and improve efficiencies!
- Customers prefer to do business with best-managed companies!
- Employees are proud and want to work in best-managed companies!
- Vendors and Distributors will do more for best-managed partners!
- Best managed companies are more likely to succeed in the future!
Imagine what your employees, clients, suppliers and peers (family and friends too) will think when they see a “50 Best Managed IT Companies Award” in your hands!
The new version of the dashboard will allow you to review and benchmark your results year over year. The system is also GDPR compliant, hosted by World-Class compliant data centres. Limited contact information and no transactional data is ever stored on the system. SSL secure connectivity is always maintained when you communicate with the system. Only summary scores are kept for you to compare your progress year over year. Rest assured that your information will never be shared with any third-party organization for any reason whatsoever and the best practice for online security will always be exercised. You may also request the questions to be sent to you by e-mail so you can complete and send back to us by any other secure method that you choose. At anytime, you may request that your data be permanently deleted from our system.
Measuring your Best Business Practices is something that may truly matter the most to your company! Want to know how your best business practices compare? Put your company to the test! Remember, the 50 companies with the highest score will also win a Britain’s 50 Best Managed IT Companies Award.
Want to learn how to improve your best business practices? Ask us about the Channel Partner Alliance”mastermind” peer-group.