
  1. Click the “APPLY” button and complete the form to register.
  2. You will receive a confirmation email with login access to the secure web portal for you to provide the information required in each of the 12 areas. You may contact us anytime by e-mail or phone to ask questions.
  3. The system will benchmark your answers and score your best business practices.
  4. All applicants will receive their results in real-time with a simple red light (need serious improving), yellow light (needs some improving) or green light (needs no major improvement) indicator so they instantly know where they need to improve. Applicants may request a more in-depth discussion of their results with a live Coach.
  5. All applicants will receive an invitation to attend the Awards ceremony in their country. Regardless if you win an award, it will be a good opportunity for you to come network and learn from your peers. There is a cost to attend the Awards Dinner, but no cost to receive your award. You must be present to collect the physical award. If you cannot physically attend, you will receive notification of your win and the digital logo for you to leverage in your marketing and communications materials.
  6. The process starts over again every year so there is always another opportunity to either repeat the assessment to compare year over year or move up into the top 50.
  7. The companies with the top 50 scores will automatically win the 50 Best Managed IT Companies Award.